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Message: Drilling results..


Uranium ribbons are rich but thin and skinny..flow like rivers and streams..

Trying to hit them takes many drill attempts..That is for the high grade stuff...

It is probably better to hit a hugh load of lower grade stuff..more pounds in the ground..

Meanwhile I'm cyphering on my out put file...

The output
file is an ASCII file and contains the following data columns:
• Date or Day number (=DOY)
• Time
• Cn
2 [m-2/3]
• Demod [mV]
• Hunstable [W m-2] (sensible heat flux, unstable (or day-time) solution)
• Hstable [W m-2] (sensible heat flux, stable (or night-time) solution)
• Hfree convection [W m-2] (sensible heat flux, free convection solution)
• Wind speed [m s-1]
• u*unstable [m s-1] (friction velocity, unstable solution)
• u*stable [m s-1] (friction velocity, stable solution)
• LMO_unstable [m] (Obukhov length, unstable solution)
• LMO_stable [m] (Obukhov length, stable solution)
• Bowen ratio [-]
• Air temperature [oC]
• Relative humidity [%]
• Air pressure [hPa]
• Air density [kg m-3]
• Comment saturation (“no saturation”, “-“ or “possible saturation”)

Is it Ripple time yet..??


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