Welcome to the KXL board..There are a lot of serious KXL investors here and not too many slaggers ..none that I can think of hand..
we are ALL here for our own reasons with our own strategy's for making money..some more successful than others ..we come from a wide spectrum of mining investment people money managers ..mothers fathers brothers and sisters but all here for the common good..and I believe that you are an excellent example of the type of investor I want on my team at the GM..
we can make money with these people..when I first heard of the company I looked no farther that the insiders involved and bought 10,000 share ..sight unseen..because I was familiar with the Richardson family out of Winnipeg..If they are big stake holders ..FOLLOW THE MONEY!!..I,and we ,will not go wrong sticking with the Richardson family..Google them and see how involved they are with the business community in ..real estate ..farming..for the past 100 years..
How can we go wrong..stay with us and succeed like them....All will not be roses but we should win in the end..
Welcome dedication,even to the point of your phone calls from ,god know where shows your ambition and leadership...
just where are you..??