My take on it is the two new additions to the brain trust know how to leverage the 17 million remaining into added value for kxl.On more than one occasion Brian has alluded to 2010 as being a good year for kxl,and as we all see it right now,their current path doesnt lead us to that conclusion.So ...I actually look forward to the next year in anticipation of how they actually plan on achieving those stated results.
I also expect more options to be coming.As the new director and money man will need motivation.I know the dilution sucks but to put it in perspective,the last pp was done at wildly exaggerated price levels,and this one is just evening the reality.And in the end,it will come down to whether they have the mine,or dont they.If gold mania is truly in the cards then it will be a very wise time to do this as many potential investment decisions will lose their leverage angle.
My two cents