This piece was written when U3O8 was $30.20US/Pound..
It is now $42.00 /pound,,..
Maybe someone would want to apply the $42.00US/pound to this previous post and get todays values for a more current value..
And using todays gold prices...
A follow up post would be appreciated..
using the current uranium spot price of $30.20 a pound, with a comparison to the gold grades that most resource investors are familiar with -- shows how grade affects the economics of a deposit:
- 0.03% U3O8 = $20 a tonne/rock (equivalent to 0.045 oz/tonne gold)
- 0.3% U3O8 = $200 a tonne/rock (0.45 oz/tonne gold)
- 3% U3O8 = $2000 a tonne rock (4.5 oz/tonne gold)
- 30% U3O8 = $20,000 a tonne/rock (45 oz/tonne gold!)