Creating shareholder wealth by advancing gold projects through the exploration and mine development cycle.

Message: PDAC Presentation

PDAC Presentation

posted on Mar 09, 2010 08:55PM

Couple of comments:

1) The presentation was well organized by KXL and well attended. Probably the best I have atttended. Special thanks to Kim, job well done with the organization of the event. Kim heads up IR and I would encourage anyone on this board to give Kim a call on any questions relating to the Kodiak strategy and/or any of the NR's..

2) KXL team was also well represented: Brian , Kim, Tony, Darren, Quentin were at the presentation while Stephen and Michael Peterman were manning the booth.

2) You can absolutely get the sense that the KXL of yesterday is no longer and the transition and transformation of KXL from a junior company with hype to a group of indviduals focused on a common purpose and mission. You get the sense for the appetitte to create shareholder value. I got this from my discussion with Michael Phelps and now confirmation by the KXL Management team whom have the task to execute the strategy. I have full confidence with the team's ability to execute.

For those on this board on serving in any management roles you would all agree that KXL of the past was 'micro managed' an controlled by one indivdual, KXL of today truly exhibits the spirit of collaboration. Thats the difference a leader can make in any business. Not only does Brian bring hsi 30 plus years of geology but the understanding and value of the importance of the people assets. A good leader will surrond themselves with the best of the best. Brian had accomplished that in his short tenure as President.

3) The presentation was well done. Brian articulated the KXL strategy. KXL will be focused in Gold and Uranium with a mult-prong approach i.e. traditonal exploration leading to establishing ounces in the ground the acquisiton opportuniies that will allow KXL to add the ounces in the ground quicker.

This is where the value of a strong management team is important. With Darren, Quentin et al focusing on the traditional exploration, Brian and Tony can focus on the acquisition of ounces. Of course the acquisitions will need to pass the likes of Phelps, Richardsons and Barber. This is where the value of the board comes into play. A great check and balance in place to insure shareholder value is created.

4) Important to note that the presentation did not make reference to any flag ship properties but rather an accumulation of properties. We all need to grasp once and for all that KXL is not about Hercules only but is a subset. The 43-101 for hercules is important but is not the "end all' so the actual report should be viewed as a starting point and a number we can now add to our balacne sheet in conjunction with others to come either via traditional exploration or acquisition. We should cease all talk about 'flag ship' properties. We all agree that we could have spend the drilling dollars somewhat more efficiently in the past but we didn't so lets get over it and focus on the future and the new KXL.

5) My take away from the presentation ar the clear objectives on page 28, we as investors now have measureables to hold the KXL Management team and Board accountable. This is very significant simply because we can track and measure the success. At some point, as the objectves are being met, we will see the translation into a higher SP over a period of time. My preference is to see the SP increase supported by the execution of the strategy. This is the only way the SP will hold and avoid major volatitility. Volatilty happens with lack of clarity and I can say that Brian has done a great job with providing clarity and direction.

6) I am excited with Milestone, but this is only one property. We will have much news coming our way over the next several months from our Gold and Uranium properities and hopefully an acquisition of undervalued ounces(Objective on page 28)

In closing, I remain steadfast as a supporter of KXL for all of the reasons I have cited in this email and previous emails. I encourage each of you to get comfortable with the new KXL, do your DD, give IR a call and talk to Kim.


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