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Message: Deja Vu (all over again!)

Re: Agora founders to face OSC for fraud

posted on Apr 02, 2010 09:27AM

While it always saddens me to learn of deceitful behaviour, in myself or in others, I believe I would be even more saddened if this site were to cease.

I'm not naive enough to accept everything at face value, and especially on the internet where the anonymous mask of pseudonyms so easily lends itself to deception. So, I take everything here with a grain of salt. That being said, having the deception brought into the light of day just plain hurts.

I can say that I have never purchased a stock based on someone's comments on this Board. I have always read or joined discussions after my purchase has been made. I have found most all of the comments useful - both those that affirmed my decisions to buy, and those that challenged them. And I read all of them, even when I suspected, at times, some less than honourable motives in writing.

On this particular Board, there have been extreme examples of promotion and bashing (but rarely over the top on either side) and both views have been either informative or entertaining (most times). If I suspected "moles", it has most often been on the side of the bashers (which makes no sense in the current case anyway).

I can think of three or four names on this Board who I hold in high regard and, if I found they were being deceptive, I would be deeply hurt. Maybe not shocked, as that's the nature of the internet, but deeply hurt for sure. And even with those names, I have to keep reminding myself that it's my money, I need to do my own DD, and I need to make my own informed decisions.

So, being a Christian, and this being Easter Weekend, I am prepared to see us enter a period of 'death' while hoping for resurrection (and forgiveness). If there is no resurrection here, I will miss this site and, more to the point, I will miss all of you who post here.

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