Creating shareholder wealth by advancing gold projects through the exploration and mine development cycle.

Message: Deja Vu (all over again!)

You really hope this is a well perpetrated April Fools joke.

But this kind of BS never surprises me. Greedy people are always out there trying to steal someone else's money.

I have always wondered if there were parasites scurrying amongst us. Fattman has irked me since Day 1.

So here is something I have noticed. Each of us has a writing style, or sense of humour that is easily identified. Best example was Proto Baggins.

About a year ago while reading some posts I noticed that 2 individuals used the same unique sign-off in messages that were separated by about an hour. This made me go Hmmn. Both were regular posters. I checked their post history. One guy used it all the time, and the other deviated only once. They both had a similar writing style. I immediately said to myself that these 2 are the same person.

Buddy must have caught his error. It never happened again, and both posters have since moved on (like many other KXLers).

Call me crazy. Call me a conspiracy theorist. Call me Joe.

So, to those of you out there who are Regular Joes just like me, Best of Luck with your investments. I'll stay here until they pull the rug out from underneath!

Be Well KXLers.


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