Creating shareholder wealth by advancing gold projects through the exploration and mine development cycle.

Message: Deja Vu (all over again!)

Same ditto, Montrose2 - I've used "Onwards and Upwards" once or maybe twice - it's a common phrase, but it's not really that great, so I only use it rarely. Pardon me using the same phrase as you whenever it was. I may have drunk the koolaid in terms of being taken in by the early story and then maintaining the faith (a bit harder in recent times), but I'm never taken a penny or a share to do anything for anyone. I got invited to visit the sites because I put my life savings on the line, which sadly are in tatters.

I complained to Agoracom early on about the ONT board, but I figured I was just being overly concerned. Apparently not, I think.

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