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Message: that other matter (thanks h_rattle)

that other matter (thanks h_rattle)

posted on Apr 02, 2010 12:04AM

Thanks h_rattle for bringing to my notice the o.s.c. stuff. I'm typing using periods and using tinyurl because I don't want our posts to be removed for talking about it. I read the news. Me not like.

Here are couple urls that I put through tinyurl:

I take this news pretty seriously because I had the impression that the o.s.c. doesn't usually do nearly enough, so to come out and say something on record suggests to me that there's something to it. When Agora people post, I expect them to identify themselves at all times. If the stories are true, I'd sure like to know what the IDs are,and which stocks. I remember getting bullied off the Ontex board by thugs, before they merged with Roxmark to become Goldstone. If that was Agora people I'd be twice as PO'd.

One saving grace is that to my knowledge it's still true that KXL pays nothing to Agora - we've gotten a free ride all along because our little KXL board is very active and pretty good quality I'd say, so it brings in traffic for Agoracom.

There is a list somewhere of which companies pay Agora to be hosted here - would be interesting to see about ONT, RMK, goldstone, etc. I know SGX used to pay. I have the link at home somewhere - maybe someone else has it handy. It's somewhere on the Agora site, and they have to disclose it.

From the second link above I see that the Agora people are responding, so I hope that means they won't squash discussion on our board about it. I am still not spelling out the keywords anyways. I have met a couple of the Agora guys at the mining shows and I'd say my impressions were mixed, although when I've asked tech questions they've been very good.

I still doubt the o.s.c. would publicly come out and say something about it if there wasn't some solid evidence, which makes me sad - we put in real effort here, and anything not on the up and up just dilutes the work of real posters. There are other possibilities if we can't trust the board hosters, but I'm holding off until we hear more. Overall my emotion about the o.s.c. news about Agora is pretty negative. Me not like.

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