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Message: 43-101 Technical Report Released

I find it difficult to disagree with explorationguy.

KXL has only drilled 2 holes on the Canalaska option. They seem to have gone back to the game plan developed from the original 4 holes in the 1st phase at West Millenium, prior to acquiring the expensive Canalaska option. Actually, only one drill hole from 2 phases of drilling has produced a good indication, and that was hole WM09-04 with only 0.1% U308. That one hole, being close to the Canalaska property, was their only justification for purchasing the Canalaska option. My perception was that they believed the new property was more favorable for finding uranium. That’s why they expanded the claims with the $4m purchase. Wasn’t it?

Now they drill about 10 of the 2nd phase holes on the old property. Only 2 holes of the 2nd phase drilling were on the new Canalaska option. Doesn’t make sense to me. So, they seem to have negative results from 2 holes, only one of which was in their original 2nd phase plan, and they revert back to 1st the phase result plan. Didn’t explorationguy recommend a drill location on the new Canalaska option? Wasn’t that location later posted by KXL that it was a priority for 2nd phase drilling? From what I can see, they didn’t get close to that location, (or at least one of his 2 locations) but then dropped back to the previous plan. What about the other, much larger areas of the Canalaska option? I’m confused!

It is very possible that Explorationguy is correct about getting out before wasting more $. They don’t seem to know where to drill on this newer, very large property. So, why sink any more of these holes that need to be drilled to the very expensive 700m area?

From my perspective, it’s a very large haystack and a very little pin to find. But then again, I don’t know Jack Schitt, much less anything about the Canalaska option. That puts me in the same place as Maher seems to be. Maybe you’re right about him.

Maybe I should take my own advice and “remain silent and be thought a fool, rather than speak and remove all doubt.”

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