Hey KG!
I think you would have a great start on a life on easy street with those blue chipers. Stocks with good history of increasing divvy payments.
Some are buying farm land. An acre around here runs about $1000. Rent would get you about 45-50 bucks a yr (4.5-5 % ROR) and it seems like land will double in value every 20 yrs or so. Beats the hell out of CSBs! Of course you have to pay property taxes and have to put up with cranky neighbours, whining renters etc.
Now, if you have to borrow to buy land, grow enough crop to pay for the land, the fuel, machinery and all inputs, that may or may not get you a good ROR, and will get you a bunch of stress! Seems like the landlord has the right idea.
Cheers, all.