I am happy to speculate about other values for POG and, from a rough calculation, if POG were to fall below $1,000/oz I am confident, but not certain, that Magino would not be re-opened as an open pit mine. That is not to say that Magino wouldn't be profitable with POG sub-$1,000/oz (to me it looks marginal at $900/oz) but with royalties, capital costs, risks, market conditions, etc. I doubt a board would give the go-ahead if POG fell below $1,000/oz.
Not sure I understand your logic H, the base case for the PEA used a gold price of $1,000 that showed an NPV of $351 million and an IRR of 49%. The cash cost for production is around $500 / oz ... how will it be that $900 would not be economic or in your words marginal?
is 49% not good enough for you? It's a lot better than many rojects going forward that have a much higher market cap than PDG.
So, Still trying to figure out what your point is.