I agree with you, wavemaster. Magino will be mined, by us or by someone else, and regional exploration will continue in the Wawa district. However, we are an exploration company, and we need to be looking beyond the horizon for the next opportunity.
The Timmins camp has always been exciting, and this particular property is interesting. Definitely underexplored - I believe only about 11 drill holes - and lots of potential. It could turn out to be more cow pasture, and nothing else. However, exploration requires risk.
We have seen the failure side of risk enough times to be cynical, no doubt. But we have also seen success at Magino (not that the market seems to recognize it right now, unfortunately). I don't know if I'll be around long enough to see this new territory bear fruit, but I am glad that our company is not simply sitting back while Magino moves forward. Brian did say that the company was on the lookout for other good opportunities. I, for one, am pleased that he is being true to his word on this.