Creating shareholder wealth by advancing gold projects through the exploration and mine development cycle.

Message: 4 Days..!!

And not a bloody posting ./..not even any whining from Rico...!!

We need some action..!!

When we get in this mode I start to post all kinds of drivel , but have been busy and not on line as much..but if there is no news or posting action ,I may have to take up the pen and post more drivel..

I don't know how Bill 40 gets the news out so fast unless you are an insider Bill..which would explain it but glad for to have you and your postings coming..

I don't even know if the company is using Filing Services to release news releases..Does anyone know who we use..??

Anyway this market is all over the place ..Doc will have to send his Spanish Princess over to Spain to boost the economy with an all out spending splurge..get the economy rolling again..

But hopefully the markets will settle down later this summer before fall.

Market time...


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