Creating shareholder wealth by advancing gold projects through the exploration and mine development cycle.

Message: Reflections...

It's times like this that make me weep...

Over the years ,when we raised $70,000,000. and more of all the shares issued to give us the staggering total we have today and worth .63 with 6 million ounces of gold..

With the way management and directors,i.e.,majority shareholders ,dilute the company with greed and impunity...

With my vivid imagination working overtime,I can just see the management,CEO...COO..CFO...C ARSE O..all clambering around the pot grabbing and yelling and scratching and biting..eye gouging and crotch kicking like mad men..all trying to steal as much as they can..and when the blood and gore settles..iT starts all over with the directors...

$70 MILLION...Jeez..we better give all the other company no body's a whack of options too..the secretary pool does well because anyone who is any one is banging more than the keyboard in the secretarial pool..and they get a few million..and the trust funds for the Janitor and his ex wife..and the head whore of the Kodiak Hotel will want a here we are today..all sad and over diluted ..all because management may know all about rocks and sticks but couldn't manage their way out of a piss up in a brewery..Bean counters tremble at the thought of telling the Chairman he can;t have that big whack of options for his kids..and the Ceo can't have a helicopter to fly around Geraldton to get beer and Doughnuts at Tim Hortons..until the $70 million is pissed up again the wall and we are out begging for money again to drill moose pasture;ll,,..water down the share structure until it is out of the ball park..

But we are up two cents to .64 ..and we have to get through .64 to get to a buck...WE will go up but slowly and finish green tonight.


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