Creating shareholder wealth by advancing gold projects through the exploration and mine development cycle.

Message: Who this time..??

Who the hell is low balling us today..??

The problem is that whoever the scum bag is that .63'ed us to death yesterday has 3 million .63 shares that he/she can turn over at .68 a nice nickle a share profit for two days investment..which is a hell of an i9nterest rate figgered over 365 days..

Beyond my pay level to figure that out,..

and now the socktucker starts all over at .68 and sells the same 3 million shares out and then starts all over .72 or .73 and millions of $$$$$$$$$are made by those that have money..this is how they get it while us little raggity ass urchins scramble for a few scraps that the mother misses..

Maybe Brian should get Little Billy Bumlikker,his gofer ,to hack the fu*er into Lala Land..

Yep..that would be a great job for Billy..

Over 3/4 million shares traded at 1:41EDT..

Aug 23, 2012 02:37PM

Aug 23, 2012 03:34PM
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