Creating shareholder wealth by advancing gold projects through the exploration and mine development cycle.

Message: Telephone Solicitation

Received a call seeking support for the proposed motions at the upcoming AGM.

I acknowledge that I don't hold 100K in a lot of companies but for me this type of thing is a first. Usually AGM motions are rubber stamped by the "major players". Is there some kind of dissident revolt going on here that is not widely known.

We here have often projected an eventual take-out offer but thought it would come from without and not within. One thing I have been gratified about with the recent SP increment is that when coupled with the usual "take out premium" it would likely catapult us over that 1.00 threshold.

Thinking about going to the AGM since I live in the Vancouver area but I must caution that due to my hearing issues I would not count on myself as being able to accurately capture what someone might say at such an event. In truth I would only be going in order to put a face with some of the names and get a sense of just what is going on for the future. If there is going to be some kind of proxy battle I guess it would make it more interesting. Would feel better if I was going to the Toronto event. There they are straightforward stating there will be a cocktail(ripple) hour.

Wonderful evening here on the West Coast. Lets hope for a little more green tomorrow.

Onward and Upward

Sep 06, 2012 11:23PM
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