Creating shareholder wealth by advancing gold projects through the exploration and mine development cycle.

Message: Re: Goldstream - Latest News

Sep 24, 2012 09:13AM

Sep 24, 2012 09:28AM
Sep 24, 2012 09:40AM
Sep 24, 2012 09:52AM

Sep 24, 2012 10:11AM

Sep 24, 2012 11:35AM

Goldstream Begins Trading on the TSX Venture Exchange; Launches

Aggressive Drilling and Ground Exploration Program at Hardrock East

Toronto, Ontario, September 21, 2012 – Goldstream Minerals Inc. ("Goldstream" or

"Goldstream Minerals") is pleased to announce that the company will begin trading today,

September 21, 2012 on the TSX Venture Exchange under the ticker symbol "GSX".

Goldstream is also pleased to announce significant exploration results at its 350 km



East Gold Project in northern Ontario (Figure 1). Induced Polarization (IP) geophysical surveys

have extended the strike length of the Adel Property anomaly an additional 500 metres and at our

Solarus/Titan project, defined 42 IP target anomalies for field investigation. The Adel Property

IP anomaly (Central Shear Zone) connects two east striking structures, the regional Klob Lake

fault structure and the Klotz Lake shear which hosts the Milestone gold deposit. Previously

announced diamond drilling results at Milestone include 30.9 m grading 2.56 gpt gold in

diamond drill hole MS10-38 (Kodiak Press Release dated Sept 13, 2010).

The company will immediately initiate a $570,000 dollar fall exploration program focusing on

three target areas:

 Adel: 900 metres of diamond drilling is planned to follow up on the geophysical targets

and test the gold potential of the Central Shear Zone (CSZ) where it intersects known

gold associated structures. Management believes this area has the potential to host

large tonnage lower grade deposits suitable for open pit mining. To view the Resistivity

Survey map, please click here.

 Pagwachuan Lake: 360 metres of diamond drilling to test the high grade gold showing

(6.84 gpt gold, 19.7 gpt silver and > 1% copper over 0.5 m in channel sample C55678) at

Ward-Morrow Trench 1 associated with an IP anomaly with a strike length of 800 m

long. This area is on the same lithologic horizon as Premier Gold’s 3.6 Moz Hard Rock

deposit. To view the Resistivity Survey map, please click here. Klotz Lake (Solarus/Titan): Follow-up ground exploration to evaluate 42 new “High

Priority” IP target anomalies and the Titan gold showing and detailed geological mapping

and prospecting.

Figure 1: Hard Rock East Property Location

Richard Kilpatrick, President and CEO of Goldstream Minerals Inc. commented “Goldstream

Minerals is excited to launch its fall 2012 exploration program at Hardrock East. At Adel

Property, strong IP anomalies associated with the intersection of two major regional structures

have generated compelling drilling targets. At Pagwachuan Lake and Solarus Properties, detailed

work by our highly skilled exploration team has identified additional targets for drilling and

follow up work on the ground. These planned exploration activities will generate consistent news

flow through the balance of 2012 as we advance our Hardrock East Gold Project.”

Watts, Griffis and McOuat Limited have prepared a NI 43-101 Technical Report covering the

Hardrock East Gold Project and will be posted shortly on the Company website as well as at

About Goldstream:

Goldstream Minerals Inc. is a gold exploration and development company focused on defining a

minable Mineral Resource on its Hardrock East Property located in the Beardmore-Geraldton

gold camp of northern Ontario. The Hardrock East Property consists of over 350 square kilometres in the eastern portion of the Beardmore-Geraldton gold camp and is comprised of four

different properties: Milestone, Adel, Pagwachuan Lake and Klotz Lake (Solarus).

Sep 24, 2012 05:35PM
Sep 24, 2012 06:05PM

Sep 24, 2012 06:14PM
Sep 24, 2012 09:42PM
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