Creating shareholder wealth by advancing gold projects through the exploration and mine development cycle.

Message: Not sure what to do - my feelings

Hi all,

I don't post often, but I follow this board just about every day and I've been an investor for about 5 years now.

If I sold now, I'd be taking a profit, albeit not as much as I had hoped. I know many of the posters on here would love to be in the position to sell out at a profit, and don't have the luxury.

On one hand, I can see that AR got a good deal by acquiring us. As a PDG investor I can see how we were worth more. The people at AR aren't stupid. They knew we would have to dilute further, or raise money somehow for us to take Magino to the next level. I think if we were in a slightly better position financially, or had less shares OS, we'd be better off. But as they say, it is what it is.

In the end, I think I will give it a little time to decide what to ultimately do. A little voice still says there's some upside to holding on short term. I just have to decide if that voice is crazy.

Good luck everyone, I'll definitely follow the AR board when we move over.


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