Creating shareholder wealth by advancing gold projects through the exploration and mine development cycle.

Message: Hey Portee

Do you still have SAS. Looks like they had a positive quarter.

Have to beg the indulgence of our fellow board members but since PDG seems certain to go "into the mist" so to speak, it would seem there really is nothing like "off topic" anymore.

Still retaining 80 percent of my PDG but did diversify a bit by selling off some and in so doing did some "averaging down" on some of my junior golds.

Did keep some cash though and even if we can't do the Vegas thing I will certainly think of this group(admitedly not for long) while I am sitting on a Cancun or Vallarta beach.

Onward and Upward people - would be nice if we could find something else that attracts everyone's interest. In my time of monitoring/participating in these kinds of "boards" there is no doubt this was the best.

Nov 12, 2012 07:44PM

Nov 12, 2012 08:01PM

Nov 12, 2012 08:54PM
Nov 13, 2012 08:24AM
Nov 13, 2012 10:44PM
Nov 14, 2012 07:21AM
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