Creating shareholder wealth by advancing gold projects through the exploration and mine development cycle.

Message: Hey Portee


some lady called soliciting my votes for the takeover of PDG by Argo..

And there are very few company's that are profitable that are sharing the wealth with the shareholders..The insiders look after them selves first..second and third most..IF ...IF ...IF there is any sweepings left over..we may get a bit of the change left for the sweeper..

If in most cases we get in..ride the wave to the top and get out somewhere in the first rising tide..we will do well..

otherwise we wait...for get a little more grease as the insiders are sticking it too make us believe they are building shareholder value...

This is how it was with PDG..and we the stupid long term loyal shareholders stayed in and supported that lieing ..two faced evil management and their slick putrid weaselly front-man with our $$$$$$$$ and verbal support,right up until the first suitor walked in the door waving a few measly sheckles to spend like the cheap whore management are ..took the cash and dropped to their knees and took the hose up the nose for them selves..getting the full load ..leaving us the mess to clean up..

Good luck to all those still in..I'm still here 100% and am waiting to see the end game.


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