Creating shareholder wealth by advancing gold projects through the exploration and mine development cycle.

Message: Day of grace..or Day of Infamy..??

It is 08:30 on vote day and the bid ask seems to indicate that the demand for our shares..bidding and asking well below amalgamation price is not there..

AR bid/ask and last trade is $9.20...

PDG bid/ask last trade is bid..35..ask 17 lots last at .94 ...b/a .92..

.92 is quite a discount to AR price..$9.20x.1042=.96 .....

If the ratio is to hold today we should get some indication of maybe an insider or big institutional player that is not going to vote for the merger..

so I guess the ratio prices today if they take off one way or the other should tell ..maybe..

With the market closed it will not be accurate but $9.20 AR should be .96 PDG share price ..but at .92..does that mean those in the know don't want to buy PDG because they know that the price will bottom tomorrow if the buyout fails..???

So that is what I will be watching today..
VOTE ..NO...Vote often..


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