Creating shareholder wealth by advancing gold projects through the exploration and mine development cycle.

Message: Interpretation..


posted on Nov 28, 2008 03:08AM

Sir Gan..

'Tis a beautiful dream that you had and I can interpret this ,with grannys "Book of Dreams"...

WE ..the great unwashed of the good ship KXL are the skinny lemmings..having invested our gold in the good ships coffers,and all having some touch of lemming blood at one time or another ,see ,myself included,a skinny lemming...Now the fat lemmings that gobbled us skinny ones up,are the shorts..the scammers the under the counter dealers and hedge fund managers and bankers..throw in a dis honest lawyer or two and you make up a fat lemming....

The huge brown bear that gobbled up the fat lemmings was the down turn in the marke that made the fat lemmings squeal in terror as they dissapeared into it's cavernous maw...

Now the old brown bear..seeing you with your .458Magnum poised to eradicate the lemmings,thinking you were going to do him dirt..crapped out a bunch of little gold bars....which they tend to do if they are really frightened,according to granny...

Now I suggest to get more gold from the bear..go back in to the dream,Ripple sodden,with a double barreled .458 magnum,or get rid of the piddley thing all together and up gun to a .50 Macmillan..

That is sure to terrify him into much bigger gold bricks.."Shi**ing bricks..."..remember the old schoolboy phrase..

US the US military .50 Ammo..

I have to go out for a while but will explain the powers of "Transmorgification" when I return..These powers are only passed on by a few..Granny and Protobaggins ..the two that I know for sure have this poewr..

Have a great trading day..I'm off to the bank for some folding cash..


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