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1.4 billion tonnes of coal need I say more? If so keep on reading.

Message: PCY = POS

Thanks all for standing with me in the thick and the thin.

I don't want to tell anyone what to do with their money; as it's always about risk vs. reward while taking into consdideration ones risk tolerance.

Now with that being said... there is nothing like booking a profit and re-investing that money in another undervalued asset.

Our CEO has never... NEVER LIED to me. That is more than a virtue in the Times that we live in.

With that being said... PCY is still a sleeper and the mantra still holds true. SELL INTO STRENGTH AND BUY ON WEAKNESS.

One thing I would like to do is migrate all the intelligent conversations from SH to here. So anyone with a voice please speak and help make our home THE place for KNOWLEGDE.

ALSO for my friends here... In the next few... (and I will leave that to your imagination) I will shed some light on the next stock due to set US up for early retirement...(or maybe a jet)...with aforementioned PROFITS...

S M O K E...cough... COUGH... pcy...:)

Buy some when it's cheap

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