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Message: gasoline price

Thanks Inceptus,

Me too. This pullback for all jrs and nat gas/oil majors was way overdone in my opinion. Just a great buying oppurtunity imo.

Once drilling results are out and if results are what fst and tlm expect they will get, the run ups we experience just a few months back will look like pretty small.

It doesn't matter if nat gas is at $8 or $16 or if oil is at $100 or $200....if the gas rates are good and if proven economic....the jrs best positioned will sky rocket. Of course don't get me wrong...I would prefer higher gas prices lol. Either number, at those prices it is economic assuming flow rates are good.

In that audio feed it talked of naked shorting, and I would not be surprised if QEC was brought down with a little bit of that. No matter, it all comes down to drilling results and every time I listen to the Forest audio conference calls and how they speak so confidently of the play, comparing rock properties and saying how it is identical to the initial characteristics of the Barnett with it's 1mmcf vertical flows and rock properties.

And TLM committing 130+ million to it...just good signs all around.

Any lets not forget the Greater Sierra region with Encana and our Antler play and we still own Beaver River that has mutli tcf potential...so if they can isolate that and correct the drilling, that could be huge too. So QEC has a lot of things going for it and I believe that imo this 2nd half of the year and 2009 will be a good year for them.

And one last thing...I think someone posted that the bull market for energy is far from over as also said in the video...and I could not agree more....there is nothing in place to think this pull back is because we are entering bear territory and that the need for energy is going down...anywho, listen to the video and it explains it a lot better than I could in a paragraph!:)


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