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Message: Re: Presentasion in Norway 10. september

Thanks JQ.

I think it's a great forum, and when you see a share you belive is worth alot more, that it goes down, bee hanldeled "roughly" by smart traders who just want to make money, not adding value, well then it's good to be with someone who's in "the same boat".

Speaking about the same boat, EU finaly stod up against the russians invation in Georgia, made their point and donnated 6mill€ to get them on their feet again and also that we want Ukraine inside EU(this is a big step). I know USA put a lot of money into georgia and they dont always think the EU does something. It*s a very difficult situation, but they do move:

While some American analysts have cautioned that Moscow will view any EU response as more talk than action, Fischer assesses the steps positively, "The fact that the EU presidency negotiated the ceasefire and the fact that the EU is able to call an emergency meeting within a few weeks and really play an important role in processes on the ground is not a bad record for the time being," she said.

But responding to Russia’s recognition of Abkhazia and South Ossetia and resuming multilateral negotiations about the regions’ status will prove a more arduous task, one Brussels-based analyst contends. The war between Georgia and Russia has limited the scope for a moderate approach to resolution of the South Caucasus’ conflicts, said Bruno Coppieters, a professor at the Free University of Brussels. As a result, the EU will more likely focus on conflict management and avoiding a resurgence of violence. "The moderate policy will be one of refreezing the situation and refreezing it well," said Coppieters.

I think it started with Gasprom and BP fight and Gasprom told that they decide everything about EU having access to NG(they have cut the suply to Ukraine before, so saying they could do so to the hole EU has been too much, but as you see they and mafia(oil) brought the soldiers in to make a statement that they can), really close to conflict this, but the only thing they get is loosing Ukraine I hope:) From all my reading about natural gas I also found that a canadian company is or will start drilling for NG in Romania and with denmark-norway making a pipeline through Sweden to Poland I think I'm beginning to see the picture. Romania has pipeline and they are close to Bulgaria(there is a bulgarian oilmafia), so if we get Serbia and Ukraine in, then it will be a very big score:)

Ok, now you also got some of my thinking about things on this side of the pool. It's about NG and sunday there was a person on the oilpeak/drum who says the the NG production have increased 8.8% and maybe the NG price would go down( a lot of reading), but I dont think so, US will begin to sell LNG and storrage cannot hold that much, they would also reduce production/flow+the cost to drill, well a lot speak against a lower price I think, for long holders.

If someone want to read:


I like the new from bloomberg today:

ConocoPhillips Joins Origin in $8 Billion Gas Venture:)

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