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Message: from IR

No problem Inceptus, I'll keep contact with management about any issues. You know I don't know the reasoning or anything behind not bringing one out, despite what Anela mentioned about cost. BUT, it has to be done eventually like you said...I guess there main focus was possible to see the highest rates, frac technique etc. I'm sure there are tons of info they are looking at etc.

I wanted to mention something about the conference call...this was something that C. Clark said to Eric Sprott during the call...

Craig Clark: "We had trouble getting the water back we used to clean it out. We saw gasand in fact one of our partners or competitors has released higherrates so we saw enough gas we had to use a snubbing unit to clean itout. And the short answer is we either need to deal with, we did threedifferent intervals that was previously announced, Eric."

Clearly they realize now how important the tubing is...I'm wondering if they thought there method used to remove water would have sufficed...and I guess they see now it didn't. Second, what did they mean and about who were they speaking of when they said their partners or competitors release higher rates? How could it be both? lol. Any thoughts?


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