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Message: Whister Conference

Great posts happening lately really interesting stuff...wrt the mob/demob post it really depends on the project, what is meant by mob/demob. Typically though it does include all issues relating to permitting from the Quebec MEF to the Regi de Batiment etc. QC is different and more complex than the western prvinces which have been more oriented to the oil and gas fields. Permits in QC are more regulated and issues related to environmental responsibility are given more serious consideration...in time and fees. So mob/demob becomes not only an issue of resolving regulatory issues but also local politcal issues as well, and then on top of that it does take into consideration the land aquisition and rights...and getting the western equipment to the site, set up, work and tear down etc...its all part of the project costs. As far as the availability of the coil rig goes...give it up. Its just a stall tactic of Forrest. The easiest eay to stall this type of work is to play the "equipment is not available card" ...Who can argue that one. Especially given the number of rigs and related equipment coming out of the bush has accelerated. ...or access was an issue. Then maybe they could have used the "First Nations blockade" card...Point here is the news will come out when they are ready to release it and it usually coincides with the increase in the cost of LNG.

As far as Franco anglo communications goes ...it only goes one way. QC understands and can communicate better with the ROC than the ROC can with them..that's why they have Bell, CN, Air Canada, Bombardier, Hydro Quebec, Quebecor etc...Nothing happens quickly in QC because they are in control.

Anyways...hope everyone has a great weekend.

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