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Message: T Boone Pickens


Respect to the old guys, they've had a hole life, xperiences. To him it has been the most obvious thing. Sure he knows there's a lot of other things to be taken in consideration, but he've see NG as the best thing for the society, the country. Others have acused him for diffenent, but I'm sure that an 80year old man, who have the money he need, that he have no hidden agenda. He just see this as obvious. You think fantastic, me too, like some peoble have a talent, be it numbers, playing any instrument, they just do it with no or very little learning process.

I dont know about others, but I'm in to gas for those same reasons and ofcause qec(my decission). So happy today, I had only very little depot left, but I managed to raise it with 49.07% today:)

I think he's right, also about using the ocean, wave tech. It could get very expencieve to the USA not to take action now. I like his: “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, and if you didn’t do it then, the second best time is today,” Pickens said.

I read an analyst who says, if the price of oil stays on this level, 45$, then about 3-4years from now we could see a skyrocket in oilprice, cause of all the companies who stops to produce and projects on hold. There will be shortage. The demand will be very big and developing alternatives takes time, so again, NG's the most obvious. The pipelines they build, sure they will be used. Also europe, I think that finaly they begin to see the picture. We have said it since the 1970's, even the 60s, that we should use durable sources like wind, waves and biomass(gas and ethanol) and NG, but no no, the oil got cheaper. Dont hope they fall for this trick one more time(maybe that's why he uses this about plant a tree 20 years ago). Solve the energy/polutionproblem and we are on the track, can go on with all the other things this human race face. Rather I stop here, afraid it gets off topic, but could be that some other factors have impact/influens on the topic.

Just hope Obama gets this. It's ok to invest in next generation energy, but it takes time and tax on gas(autos) will raise, create more jobless and so on with the circle. Just use NG:)

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