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Message: M.Binnion on CBC tonight

Mr. Foghorn,

Your friends in Montreal are a very small minority. Stating that Lowlands gas play seems hard to sell even in Quebec could not be further from the truth!!!

Currently the Quebec unemployment rate is running at 8.3%, the highest in 7 years. The Quebec government is predicting 4 years of deficit adding $12 billion to their already heavy debt load which is the most burdensome in Canada!!! Quebec sales tax to rise to 8.5% one of the highest in Canada. Decline of economic activity in 2009 of 1.2%. Budget 2009 provides virtually no economic stimulus for 2009, they are having a tough time just providing the basics even with their massive borrowing. I could throw a lot more gloomy statitics at you but I think you get my drift.

Perhaps your Montreal friends live in Mount Royal and have been sipping to much Hennessy Cognac and have lost touch with reality and are oblivious to what is happening.

Don't tell me that 10,000 potential jobs and billions of dollars generated for Quebecers is a hard sell!!!


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