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Message: Wastewater

Re: Wastewater: The eventual solution

in response to by
posted on Feb 02, 2010 03:50PM

I hope this isn't too off topic, but the whole wastewater issue is the one fly in the ointment for the shale gas business.

Pure Canada (PRP) is a Quebec company that handles produced water from drilling operations at the well head. Frac water is more complex than oily water, but I believe that eventually the wastewater will be treated using portable equipment on site. They can already separate oil from water down to 2ppm at the well site, and have other filtering technology including various membrane technologies to separate salt from water. It is only a matter of time before some enterprising company puts together a comprehensive well head solution for frac water, so that they can treat it on site.

I emailed PRP about this issue. IR says they are keenly aware of the problem and working on a solution.


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