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Message: $10 per share

I lost too much, again, but I'a still in, have to have a share loan. The drop was too big, but I would not sell all/go out.

I didn't expect them to make this one more time. When we go into production I dont think they can make such a big decline on the sp.Nut then the sp will go up high:) so it will be much better. Just some news and thoughts:

BP Gulf Oil Spill Reshaping Energy Debate in U.S. Congress :
May 4 (Bloomberg) -- The oil leak spreading 5,000 barrels of crude a day in the Gulf of Mexico is reshaping the politics of the energy debate as Congress considers U.S. climate policy and lawmakers brace for the November elections.

California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, a Republican, withdrew his support for offshore oil drilling yesterday, following a similar move by Florida Governor Charlie Crist, who raised doubts about environmental safety
“This is a really major setback both for climate and, of course, also on energy policy,” Daniel Yergin, chairman of IHS-Cambridge Energy Research Associates, said in a Bloomberg Radio interview yesterday. “Everything now is obviously on hold.”
the oil has spread to within five to 10 miles of the Louisiana coast, threatening the region’s fishermen, shrimpers and oystermen.

BP Chief Executive

BP Chief Executive Officer Tony Hayward met with Obama administration officials yesterday to discuss how to manage the spill. Hayward and BP America Chairman Lamar McKay had talks with Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, Energy Secretary Steven Chu and Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa Jackson, said a White House statement.

The government officials requested an update on “how BP plans to ensure an effective response” in affected Gulf Coast states, according to the statement.
At least three committees -- House Energy and Commerce, House Natural Resources, and Senate Energy and Natural Resources -- plan hearings to investigate the spill during the next month.

Obama on March 31 agreed to open new sections of the Atlantic coastline and the eastern Gulf of Mexico to new underwater drilling. Administration officials hoped the move would help win Republican support for a climate bill that has languished in the Senate since passing the House of Representatives last June.

“From the standpoint of energy independence, in the transitional period, domestic drilling is one of the things that we ought to look at,” said senior Obama adviser David Axelrod. “That hasn’t changed.”

The spill now threatens any deal.
Crist, a longtime Republican running for the U.S. Senate as an independent, withdrew his support for offshore drilling during a May 2 interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

Palin said the spill shouldn’t deter drilling. On her Facebook page yesterday, she expressed sympathy over the accident, while saying she still believes in the slogan “drill here, drill now.”
I think: "Yes, Palin, but put the focus on NG". They will get a 50% CO2 reduction and they/we get rid of the mrecury from coal-fired generators+USA can use domestic NG and NG from Canada. Maybe the demand is bigger, cause the US imports very much LNG. I looked Canada energy outlook, from the gov.site: http://www.neb.gc.ca/clf-nsi/rnrgynfmtn/nrgyrprt/nrgyrprt-eng.html
Also this site: http://oee.nrcan.gc.ca/transportation/fuels/natural-gas/natural-gas-availability.cfm?attr=16
If U.S. shifts to NG, this would shift the demand picture.
Then, this from EIA, will have to be rewritten:
Natural gas remains an important fuel for electricity generation worldwide, because it is more efficient and less carbon-intensive than other fossil fuels. In the IEO2009 reference case, total natural gas consumption increases by 1.6 percent per year on average, from 104 trillion cubic feet in 2006 to 153 trillion cubic feet in 2030, and its use in the electric power sector increases by 2.1 percent per year. With world oil prices assumed to rebound following the current economic downturn and then rise through 2030, consumers are expected to choose less expensive natural gas to meet their energy needs whenever possible, particularly in the industrial sector, where, for example, newly constructed petrochemical plants are expected to rely increasingly on natural gas as a feedstock.
From reading hegnar online and hegnar forum norway, I get the impression that they think there will be no triggers before june-july or maybe Q3, but there could come new laws in U.S. and in Canada, news from partners+qec have a habit to post news unexpectedly:) and the weather also:
By Brian K. Sullivan

Feb. 4 (Bloomberg) -- The El Nino warming phenomenon will likely fade in the Pacific sometime in the next six months, the U.S. Climate Prediction Center said today, increasing the chances of an above-average hurricane year in the Atlantic.
and we already have problems in the Gulf of Mexico.
I really dont understand this drop on the sp. Why dont the bigger investors buy up some more? But maybe they also think we have to wait a long time, so if they do, then the traders will ruin it once more, cause I looked 1-1½ month ago GS began to buy after the sp had been down to 22,10NOK, then they bought on 22,60NOK and the others joined in and took the sp above 23NOK, then it went to 25+NOK and maybe it got shorted, I think. Some have looked a transaction of 200 000shares at 25NOK, so.---

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