Well, TSX:QEC didn't really show a clear direction (no wonder condsidering the EU and US indexes), so you guys follow our tail down. Wich in my opinion is the dumbest sell so far in QECs history. By the OSE crowd, cause you guys got all of monday to do the repairs, while OSE cant do anything until Thirsday.
The only thing I see as a possible shortterm danger, is the NG. A drop down to 4.16 and below might delay the rally somewhat.
The rest of the oil-economy could crash all they want, it wont stop the shalegas (and to some degree nuclear power) from being the only thing that will save the US, and slightly later the eurozone from a dark age.
Obviously these are only personal views, and will stay that way until I provide a lengthy post with sources, graphs and links, but right now I got 987 pages of the American Power Act to read, so I'll post it when I post it :/
I just hope you guys (actual members, not canadians in general this time) keeps your head cold, and don't lose out on the trip of your life. Unless your geared beyond measure, then I'd def get rid of what you can, cause this trip might have some bumps (as we see today).