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Message: Dundee reiterate $8 target

I just got back from work and did'nt read all the post here today , but when i woke this morning it wes obvious the price would go down following this news :



Gaz de schiste - Un moratoire est possible sans verser d'indemnitésHYPERLINK "/environnement/actualites-sur-l-environnement/297247/gaz-de-schiste-un-moratoire-est-possible-sans-verser-d-indemnites"


Louis-Gilles Francoeur 1 octobre Actualités sur l'environnement

Contrairement aux prétentions de l'industrie des gaz de schistes, Québec pourrai

Years ago environmentalist lawyers pushed the government to impose a moratorium on the exploitation of water resources for the purpose of selling . As long as they're will be talk of such a moratorium on shale gas in the province , uncertainty about future development will remain untill the government announces such a thing won't happen . Public earings might be necessary before we know about the conclusion regarding shale gas .

QECSP will probably suffer in the meantime


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