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Message: Obamas Olive Branch

WOW, Rio! This sounds nice. "We've got, I think, broad agreement that we've got terrific natural gas resources in this country," Obama said when he was pressed for issues on which he could compromise with Republican leaders. "Are we doing everything we can to develop those?"

I was(how to get rid of the green color?:) thinking: "do the President get information about what peoble write on ex. Marketwatch? Cause I wrote in an answer, about how this big NG recource could influence their economy and the debt they create:) Well, I know others have done that too and the hole Pickens campagne. It fits nice to his statement "Yes we can!" and maybe he and the other members could find a way to get the coal peoble in on it. They could make NG from coal. I have also read about improvement in autos. I think those was from GM. A hybrid auto, but the thechnicians call it an electric car. It's a thech formalety, I think. It can run on both NG and gasoline and then it load/reload the batteries. You also get power from every time you use the breaks, so city driving can be much cheaper.

An other was from this site:


I'll just post some of the txt:


The hybrid model is the joint production of natural gas and gas liquids, or natural gas and light oil, or all three, from relatively narrow and fairly difficult to delineate "windows" within extensive shale and tight sands (TS) naturalgas basins.The marginal cost of producing the liquids or oil is quite low while the gross profit contribution is very highbecause on a per Btu basis the liquids are several times more valuable than the natural gas. This propels the total return on capital to most attractive levels and encourages capital deployment and risk taking in gas shale basins in the US despite low (very low in real terms) natural gas prices. In turn, this positively differentiates companies by helping them articulate a compelling investment theme to investors. Almost all the top 20 natural gas producers in the US are pursuing this model.

The hybrid strategy is part of a broader investing trend: the determined change in business mix by E&P companies operating in North America, away from natural gas and towards gas liquids and light oils, reflecting the tremendous divergence between per Btu prices of natural gas and liquids in North America. It is, of course, cyclical. If and when natural gas prices soar, the trend will reverse."

And Yes Rocco, You write: "The Terra markets guy has it all wrong about new regulations being a negative. The thing is, Talisman and other companies want regulation in place, or they won't move forward". I agree. The price they post is our liquid cash holding alone. I see some posting from companies (this was smaller gold companies), that they have got a cash injection on 2-5mill$, QEC got 120-135cdn from the last PP+they had about 45mill cdn. I dont know, but think we have about 160-163mill cdn now and I know they all want regulation and a service industy+lower royalties. They want lower costs.

You could also be right about the NG-price, cause the future stoped falling, it actually gained a little and if you look the HNU fond: Horizon BetaPro NYMEX Natural Gas Bull Plus ETF. It was down to 2.93, but finished at 3.01:) a gain on 1.69%. But It could be an oversold situation. We'll have to wait and see.

The multi pad wells with tie in to the pipeline. This could be very exiting. Terre Markets also wrote 6 month and DNb Markets was out to say: "well, ok, they do this to lower costs/get better conditions with regulation. They wrote this on 10/4-2010:

DnB NOR Markets reduced its price target to Questerre QEC.OL to 31 million from 33 after last week's plunge, but retains a buy recommendation, according to brokerage house, according to TDN Finans.

- Although the expectations of the Gentilly well is to Questerre may have been higher, we consider a pressure of 720 MCF / d to be relatively neutral for the stock, writes DnB NOR Markets, according to news agency.

- Our impression of the decision to Talisman to postpone the next wells is that this is due to the desire to reduce costs and that there are political reasons. With that as a starting point, we consider Friday's fall as an overreaction, "continues the investment firm.

And all these investment houses will change thier ratings along the way and they are different, some of them take new companies inside every week and throug out other.

And IF the white house can agree on NG. Well, the maybe we can start to sing the NG(Angie)song.


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