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Message: Basim Faraj accepts VP position with QEC

"Interesting appointment"

Basim Faraj has accepted a position with Questerre
Energy Corporation as VP International effective
February 14, 2011. Basim has been issued 500,000
options at $1.49 per share with the company's
standard three year vesting period.

Here is an extract from GEOCANADA about him:

Basim Faraj is the Unconventional Gas Specialist at Talisman Energy Inc.

Basim obtained his PhD (1995) on organic and inorganic geochemistryand cleat mineralization of the Permian coals in the Brown Basin fromthe Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis (CMM) and the Earth SciencesDepartment of the University of Queensland, Australia.

Basim has many years of experience in the geochemistry, mineralogyand exploration of unconventional reservoirs (tight sands, coalbedmethane, shale gas and hybrid plays) in Canada, US, Japan, Middle Eastand Australia.

In 2002, Basim led a team that completed the first shale gas study inthe Western Canada Sedimentary Basin for the Gas Technology Institute.Basim chairs the Annual Canadian Annual Shale Gas Conference (from 2005onward), organized by the Canadian Institute. Basim has been at theforefront of coal bed methane research and exploration since his workwith BHP Coal in Australia and the University of Queensland. He hasalso worked as a Shale Gas and Coal Bed Methane Consultant for severalenergy companies in Calgary.

Areas of expertise: shale gas and coalbed methane exploration.Petroleum geochemistry, scanning electron microscopy, clay mineralogy,cleat and fracture characterization and biogenic hydrogen generation.

Basim is a member of the CSUG technical committee, AAPG and SPE.


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