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Message: Same situation all over america

Nice post Fog!

I know that they say nationalize, but I really don't think that will happen. I know you said somewhat. I already wrote an article about the whole deal with them talking about how they gave away the land, so I won't bother with it again. What I know is, they can't go back and get their money back (I mention why in my article)...even Charest was upset about the BAPE making those comments. Now Quebec can't raise royalties too high, it will be competitive like AB, BC...so how can they make profits in this now, besides just royalties?

Well what I know is, a lot of companies in Norway and other countries invest in the companies that are operating there. I mean if Quebec wants to reap the benefits, why don't they just invest in TLM, QEC and the other jrs?! BAPE mentioned some stuff about land sales from now and charging more etc...in terms of shale gas, there really isn't anytihng left and QEC got the best land, so that I'm very happy about.

Right now people out west that know about this shale business are pretty pee-off to say the least. People know just exacly how much money floods in from the rest of Canada to Quebec and they want to see them take the initiative to get their own resources and stop taking $9B a year in payment. When I ask if they'd seperate, most say last time they said no, this time they'd say yes. I would hate to see that, but people aren't stupid and they see it. I do know that Quebec is also filled with a lot of people that would like to produce their own gas, create jobs and move forward.

Frankly we're not seeing that side of the story...because it's too positive. We only see the negatives.

Now yes Quebec will learn about oil and gas as months go on, but you can only pass up so much time before your debt keeps piling on year over year. I read in an article if Quebec keeps this up, they'll be at $400B+ in 2050. That is astonishing for a single province. Reality has to be sinking in for the province and what they're piling on each and every year.

You are right that they are sitting in their offices and wondering what the heck they are doing. NB and Michigan are being very proactive and getting things done, and they'll start reaping the benefits. Almost every province in Canada with an oil and gas industry is taking part in it (whether it be NB...getting the ball rolling, or BC exploring and producing gas up north) and stimulating their economies and creating revenue etc.

You talk about renewable energy...well I doubt Quebec would want a reactor in the backyard. And more renewable forms of energy are many many years away. Benco on the other site posted some comments from top leading companies in renewables, who said they are a very long time away from that. What is just surprising is Quebec imports so much gas which comes from shale ($2B) and oil ($many billions) each year...just giving money away already.

There comes a time when you have to sit back and think they can't go on like this.

This is a great article:


--------After Ontario and Quebec skewered the lucrative oilsands at the Copenhagen climate-change summit in December, Premier Ed Stelmach pointed out Alberta paid $21 billion more than it got back from Ottawa during the worst economic downturn since the 1930s. "That cannot continue," he warned.

He was talking about equalization, the program that ensures public services are at a comparable level across the country. Quebec, a net recipient of federal funds, is its largest beneficiary at $8.5 billion.

While such criticism might be expected from outside Quebec, it's now also coming from within.

André Pratte, one of the province's most influential opinion-makers, wrote recently in La Presse: "If the oil and gas industry is obviously crucial for the Western provinces, it's also very important for the prosperity of the rest of the country, including Quebec."

In another editorial, he wrote, "Thanks (in part) to equalization, Quebec pays for programs that other provinces don't have the means to offer."

Four of Quebec's most renowned economists, tapped by Finance Minister Raymond Bachand for advice on handling debt, agreed in a report last month.------

Isn't it something to recieve $9B a year in payments, yet the debt is still rising by $9B a year. Something will give.

QEC right now, basically giving no value to Quebec at all. Joseph S. on BNN said you can't do that. Right now, it's about $200/acre...shale plays going for $3000-8000/acre these days so people will see the value. Smart money will buy now. I honestly have so much money in QEC, that I'll look to grab some Gastem or something...they're all ridiculously cheap...pick anyone lol.

I just like Gastem and QEC because they have big partners and have the experience to do this!


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