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Message: Same situation all over america

Tec your comments about Nuclear energy are spot on. No question though that it will be the way of the future, but some places must definitely be rethinking their policies. Now there are quite a few places that wouldn't be affected with such natural disasters with nuclear programs, but things may go wrong. The thing is, it can in shale as well. I guess some might ask themselves, would you rather have a nuclear melt down, or contaminate a well. None are acceptable, but worst case scenario? Both are rare though, but when thinking about a reactor I am sure most wouldn't want one. I would love to see what the Quebecers would think...my guess is it would be worse than the shale gas opposition.

You are right that what happened in PA is definitely ruining it for a lot of players. Talisman has basically put a complete hold on the Marcellus. I completely agree that more places are wanting to do environmental assesments themselves rather than take other people's word for it. For ex. France is awaiting a report due in June before they allow any shale oil/ng drilling. Some places like I mentioned NB and Michigan aren't putting a moratorium, but taking it a step at a time and will ensure very tough regulations. There are many other states that continue to operate with shale without problems, so it shows solid regulations in place are continuing to work because we're not seeing very harsh opposition or any at all coming out of those place.

Nonetheless, the world is changing and I think this is a perfect opportunity for QEC/TLM and others to show that this process is safe and they don't have to believe others, they can test it themselves. They must know that this is happening in many places as well, not all but some...so it gives them a chance to keep doing what they are doing, but at the same time shoot down any skeptics on the issue.

You know after a million wells fraced with very few incidents...incidents mainly in PA with companies cutting corners, many in Quebec still don't get it...but it just boils down to history of oil/gas and they have none. The people that we are trying to prove this to is the average Quebecer who wants prosperity, but wants to make sure no harm will come to their standard of living and families, which I totally support. These are like those farmers in St. Ed, or our taxi driver...absolutely no way will we convince the environmentalists about anything...they could do the tests themselves and find nothing, yet want nothing to do with shale...so as far as I am concerned they are a lost cause...you can't advance in this world on any front with their level of thinking and desire to meet you half way.

It's a shame that a few bad companies gave everyone a bad name, and with our media today it's easy to manipulate people...as most will never take the time to research things out on their own...but, the only way to shut the critics up is to keep doing what we do best and show them that this technique is safe and will continue to get better as time goes on.

If 20+ states are continuing without any problems, well then it speaks volumes. If the EPA found zero in 2004 on fracing, along with many other independent tests that were done on shale, then you're not going to find anything more. The fracing is the same if not better than it was in 2004, and the way they test the water etc is the same. If anything, that EPA test will maybe put a few more minds at ease.

Without shale, NG prices are $15+ easily. If fracing was the devil's work, then I don't care if it did go that high, I wouldn't want it done. But decades of drilling has proved itself, but for people who are infants on the issue of oil/gas, we have some more work to do.

If these companies are getting the message, this shouldn't scare them off, but they should take this as a challenge and prove themselves worthy. Most know they can't walk away, as they are running business...running away only proves to most critics you have something to hide. Strong regulations will be put in place for Quebec in the short term, and then we can start showing that we can do this right.


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