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Message: Very good read


Interesting to see the Montreal Gazette post this, being that they only posted nonsense about fracking. It won't come as a surprise to anyone that there is a lot of bs about fracking. The article has a point from a researcher when he says you could put all the data infront of people that fracking is safe, and they just won't have any of it.

On a side note, to all our Quebec friends...I hear that Charest may call an election soon. Does anyone know the mood and if he'll get another majority. I know many in Quebec may not like the man sometimes, but he's the best they have. Thoughts on this would be great.

Ohio is gearing up big time with it's utica. Nice to see that they are welcoming it. The state was considered poor and in trouble...looks like things will soon change for them. I've been reading a lot about Ohio lately and man I can't believe how quickly things are moving. Chesepeake has the most land there and they have 12 rigs there this year and will have 22 rigs next year. This is from their latest presenation: CHK has drilled a total of 59 wells in the play, of which 9 are currently producing, 15 are being completed, 15 are waiting on completion and 20 are waiting on pipeline.

Unbelievable what can happen in just a year when you have government and local support. It's funny because Ohio never really had oil and gas, just like Quebec, yet they are embracing it.

BP also bought land in the utica, and this what they are saying:


Amazing how our Quebec resource was discovered in 2008, and 4 years later we're very stagnant. Where as Ohio basically shot into ridiculous drilling in less than a year and is ramping up to be something massive.

Ohio does also contain liquids, but also a lot of gas. Chesepeake has been selling land and valuing their utica land (on their presentation) at 13-15,000/acre. An incredible value. Take away the liquids and give Quebec a measly 4,000/acre and we're sitting at $5-6/share.

Makes you scratch your head sometimes but things will pay off once we move past the politics and stop wasting time. I expect the DEC in NY will release their report that they've worked on for a while and the EPA as well in the next year or so. I think most signs will point to good things as none of them have found any problems thus far.

I certainly hope the Quebec SEA is doing something. Basically sitting around and reading what others are putting out there. With no experience it's like putting a bunch of grade one children in a class to study calculus lool, but it is what it is. Too many jobs and money to be made.

Quebec sits on 50-60 years of natural gas production and a lot of oil too. Good things will follow. It just frustrates me when I read of Ohio and what they have accomplished in such a short amount of time while we waste time.

Sorry for the long post, but as I asked before, any thoughts on the Quebec elections that odds are will be happening soon?

Thanks and I hope you guys are all well!


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