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Message: great discussion

Hey shaffer.... I don't know why your spending so much time on this topic.... I never specifically called you an immature investor or mentioned your name during the subject matter. I never suggested or claimed I have any voice with LLSR concerning when these shares should become unrestricted..... don't know why you think I do. I made an observation as to the wild impact to the stock price this week related to only two trades of 276 and 1000 shares then linked them to a potential cause and effect should a large spike in shares (shares becoming unrestricted) become tradable before LLSR is in a position of strength to absorb the impact..... and after all is said and done.... you agree. Finally, I stated my open ended opinions/suggestions and asked for feedback.

OK.... let's get to the next comment concerning your post. I think it is admirable that you would want total control such that your family could step right in should you be placed in an unfavorable circumstance..... although I think your real reason is that someone lied to you yet again and your angry (which I'll expand upon in the next para). The first thing you have to do...... to actually have access to the shares (restricted or unrestricted) is to fill out a form from LLSR requesting to untie the 5% convertible note these shares are wrapped around. Since it is unlikely you would want to stop accruing 5% (sorry... had a typo earlier stating 6%) at this point in time, it's really pointless if the shares are restricted or unrestricted.

Your reference quote from Mr. Baron was based on an a comment back in July 2008..... 7 months ago..... what was going on back then?.... well.... at that time there was no reason to imagine there were going to be any delays concerning the beta units (which I will post about soon), the financial markets had not folded, traditional round 3 funding platforms were still readily available, there was no reason to expect LLSR would still be in the SEC registration process today, the stock was at or near it's all time high and LLSR still had 5 months of funding from round 2 still in the bank (a pretty good moment in time)..... and he referenced his source (LLSR attorneys) and LLSR's attorney's most likely felt strongly about the September 28th date based on the circumstances at that time (July 2008). Why don't you make contact with Mr. Barron this week and ask him to give you a new update (we would all like to know and would appreciate your help)? Just send him a reasonable e-mail citing his July 2008 comment and ask for an update. But set your expectations..... if you were the CEO of an upstart company with today's unfavorable market circumstances.... what would you say?..... Your a business man, you should know that the best answer today is some type of open ended delay response...... until LLSR is in a position of strength.

Finally, I'm angry just like you at the real shaffer.... I also took the bait and invested in Neonode. Just wanted to extend an olive branch.... since it seems like you may have burnt the bridge with Empire, you need to contact their legal team (just talk to shaffer's boss to get access to the contact.... I'm not going to be specific at this site). You need to ensure your name is on the pending litigation between the two parties as they work the system to get the insurance policy enforced hopefully leading to a refund. If your pursuing other legal options against Empire (since shaffer was an employee at that time) outside this litigation, go for it.... but they can't intentionally keep your name off this list. While shaffer added a lot of hot air, the primary fact is that Neonode intentionally modified their 10-K statement after the private placement was closed from the version we read under NDA just 5 days before their conference call. Neonode's changes were materially significantly and their share price dropped like a rock and their CEO was terminated immediately..... direct the majority of your anger towards Neonode.... that is why there is a strong chance that the insurance policy will be exercised...... otherwise.... send me a private post and tell me exactly what shaffer lied about.... I would like to compare notes too.... I know he left the firm.... but I have not been able to find out where he is.... yet!

Until next post, I am


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