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Message: Boontown and restricted shares

Apr 01, 2009 10:53AM

Apr 01, 2009 11:21AM

Apr 01, 2009 11:48AM

Apr 01, 2009 12:15PM

Hey Shaffer:

I don't know anything about Boontown other than I just googled to their web site. Nothing impressive and they're probably what you classify as a pumper.... I would avoid their services.... why the hard-on for Boontown? Even if they were a primary contributor to pumping up the stock yesterday, there will be many more Boontown clones to follow... just take advantage of days like that.

Would really enjoy your effort to cut/paste my previous posts suggesting I'm speaking from both sides of my mouth..... that's just not true.... other than your having a cow because I said yesterday was a fun day.... go figure? Let me state again..."The share price has no relevant meaning high or low until LLSR is in volume production with tangible purchase orders.".... that is still true....but when you have a spike day like yesterday, one should play the day trading game for a quick pick-me-up. Otherwise, let it ride.

Finally, why are you still angry about your private placement shares being restricted?Other than your view that Stan Baron lied and you want total control. Now that LLSR has been approved by the SEC and there is no longer a quite period, why don't you call Stan and ask him for a status instead of crying on this site? My guess is that LLSR will remove the restricted status within a reasonable amount of time (give them a month or two) after they move up to OTCBB. Also.... I've never said anything about when you should receive your personal unrestricted shares. My comment was global in nature addressing the pros/cons a company faces when timing the release of restricted shares. If your opinion is that Stan should have released the restriction exactly when he told you know matter what the circumstances, then that's your opinion. Your more rigid and I'm more flexible on issues like this... no big deal. My concern was.... what would or could an irrational investor do if the restriction was released at a time when the company is in a weak position to do damage control like during their SEC quite period?

You played the private placement game to make a large ROI....I recommend you keep your shares wrapped up in the 5% note until you are ready to sell... and I believe based on today's available data that you should wait until the stock price is anywhere north of $3.00 which I'm guessing will be around mid 2011 giving them about 1 year's worth of momentum into the dental market. If the shares were unrestricted today, would you untie the benefit of the 5% note?..... If no, they grow up and stop complaining. If yes, then go beat up Stan like your suggested you did to the Shamwow guy... after all.... don't you want to protect the public????

Finally.... shaffer.... I'm enjoying battling with you and I'm not taking anything personal. If I make a mistake or speak from both sides of my mouth, I will be the first person to acknowledge and apologize! I can take a deep verbal jab and so can you.... I'll make this pledge.... when the LLSR price travels north of $3.00, I will track you down, drink a few beers (or shots of vodka) and have a good laugh together about all this junk. Until then, please try to voice your opinion based on some tangible fact or issue... I don't care if your opinion is positive or negative.... just back it up with something other than a hot head because your angry today diatribe.

Until we meet, I remain,


Apr 02, 2009 09:50AM

Apr 02, 2009 10:43AM

May 04, 2009 06:26AM

May 04, 2009 07:29AM
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