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Message: No point in posting future

Please get your facts straight.... can you really just pick out the name of some unrelated company (supercha) and say LLSR is pumping the same way? Please draw the conclusion with tangible evidence.... couldn't you just as easy pick out a homerun mining company and say LLSR is the same way? Your comment is totally unrelated rather you pick a loser or winner in the mining sector... stay focused!

Where do you keep getting 14 months?..... LLSR was acquired on May 24th, 2011.... wouldn't that make it 10 months?

The equipment needed is a generator, diesel fuel & pump (use the river water to flush the HPC-30 riverbed soils). One excavator and one bulldozer (bulldozer to mover the riverbed soil to-and-from the staging area and the excavator to load the hopper at a rate of 30 tons/hour).

Your argument has merit..... the CEO has mentioned that gold production will start in the 1st Qtr and there appears to be no movement..... your position is that the CEO is lying (while you said misguided on this have been attacking the CEO for many weeks) and are convinced he is a pumper/dumper.... great.... that is you opinion and it is based on emotions.

I suggested that the gold production may be delayed due to the aquistion of Dodge Mine. Let's follow the money trail..... money that would have been allocated to initate gold production appears to have been redircted to the Dodge Mine contract in September 2011. Look at the BIG picture... the gold production infrastructure and team is in place, HPC-10s have sampled tested the riverbed claim (or claims) pinpointing the areas higher in gold concentration (the unit of measurement is grams/ton) and the first production unit HPC-30 is somewhere in limbo.... I would suggest this is only a time based delay instead of a scam.

In September 2011, the CEO was presented with a material asset.....Dodge Mine..... for $433K, you make a decision.... do I acquire hydrothermal deposits of barite that may have an asset value approaching $1B or do I just put the first HPC-30 into production and walk away from material asset? If I am a shareholder, my vote would be to grab the dang $1B asset with the available corporate funds at the expense of a short term delay in starting alluvial surface gold mining.... and kindly keep in mind that Dodge Mine appears to have many other minerals/metals (limestone, talc, copper, nickel and gold... and perhaps others). It appears that the Mineral King chose to enhance the shareholder's value by managing available funds to obtain a major asset in Dodge Mine.... since September, we have seen the Dodge Mine acquisition and then the Dodge Mine Expansion Program... to be followed by a gravity mapping program and then a diamond core drilling program... so it looks to me that the focus is to develop a $1B asset to benefit the shareholders at the expense of a short term delay initiating gold a shareholder.... do you want a $1B asset in your company portfolio or one HPC-30 in production?

Unfortunately, you look at the short term picture even though my comments above are easy to see for everyone to draw the same conclusion..... you just want gold production to start or the CEO is a lying scam artist....look at all your posts the last few months.....just what has the CEO done to you to merit your comments? If your unhappy with your investment, then sell..... if your going to entitle a post "No point in posting future".... then stop posting.... if you think starting gold production with one HPC-30 is more important short term than grabbing a potential $1B asset for pennies on the dollar.....then perhaps you should sell your shares and stop posting....

LLSR is emerging as a Hard Asset and Natural Resouce sector company.....not only alluvial surface gold.... but now barite, limestone, talc, bedrock gold and perhaps copper/nickel....I am sure there are more minerals to be added to the list as their last press release suggested this was phase I of their expansion program.

So in conclusion johnstockmaster.... just what has the CEO done to cause you pain?.... and can you please tell us with tangible evidence how he has pumped or dumped?.... I have not seen any evidence of the company hiring a PR firm.... I have not seen any press releases making unfounded comments that would merit a pump......I have seen no material share volumes to suggest an insider dump........ I have only seen a few press releases and requried SEC filings to follow the you remember when the Mineral King acquired Raptor Networks Technonogy?.... RPTN issued a press release mentioning they were in a due diligence with an unknown suiter.... the Mineral King did not use the opportunity to pump during their due diligence period..... the Mineral King filed a mandatory SEC filing once the acquisition was approved (get that....AFTER the deal was closed and a mandatory requirement)... and then weeks later, he issued a press release..... I don't see any traits of a pumper, dumper or scam artist.

I am finally at the concession stand in line to get fresh popcorn.... always like mine hot with butter/salt and right out of the hopper.... but look forward to my front row seat to watch the start of the show......can't wait for the quite period to end.... the new stock symbols issued...the new web site... and then an update from the Mineral King.

Join with me in proclaiming, "Hail the Mineral King of Wallstreet"

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