December 2011: Raptor Resources Holdings Inc. (RRHI) acquired RPTN, a fully reporting publicly traded company for 5M shares of company stock in exchange for 90M shares of RPTN.
February 2012: Raptor Resources Holdings Inc. (RRHI) announces the purchase of 100% of Dodge Mine Blocks 1-6 representing 123 hectares. The primary minerals/metals mentioned include barite, gold, limestone, talc and reports widespread occurrences of gossan deposits that typically indicate the presence of gold, copper and nickel.
February 2012: Raptor Resources Holdings Inc. (RRHI) announces it will begin a gravity mapping program to identify all mineral/metal deposits leading to a core drilling program to identify proven reserves that are bankable as a company asset.
March 2012: Raptor Resources Holdings Inc. (RRHI) announced a Phase I expansion program extending the Dodge Mine property from 123 hectares to 623 hectares.