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Message: More fun and games....

I've had 1st hand experience with some really funky trading with RVX, things I haven't seen in a while and never before with a Canadian stock.

I'm used to the "rapid fill"....a tactic designed to make the investor/trader think...."shit, that was way too easy". Then of course there's the rapid fills cousin, the delayed fill...that usually happens when the MMs are loaded with shares and they want to give off the impression that they don't have any shares...."Why hasn't my order filled yet, the bastids are short"!!! Its war of course, MMs are in it to make $$$ for themselves and their clients, not some poor schmuk using a discount broker hitting the buy key....and in war everyone knows the name of the game, its deception.

Back in April I hung some shares out with a limit well above the ask, and they were snatched up...even while the ask was lower than where I'd set my limit. Now today it happened again while I was buying, filling out my order just before the bell (but showing me a fill right away through my discount broker)....and giving me that last portion of my buy at a discount.

Nice try monkeys, but this ain't my first rodeo.

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