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Message: The wail of the nervous retail shareholder....

Pulled this from "that other board"....

The market continues to be unimpressed with current events.....we need MORE from RVX....probably have to wait until JULY 26

Ya huh. This is a common refrain from retail investors, particularily when there's been news, but the market hasn't responded as they'd like. Its obvious this poster is either nervous...or is attached to smart money interests that are accumulating RVX and who wish to give voice to the emotional response they're hoping to elicit imo.

Its common to view news and price movements as having a cause and effect relationship.

  • News came out and the price went up? The news is good...
  • News out and the price goes down? The news is bad....
  • News comes out and no reaction? There needs to be more and better news...

From my perspective its much more complex. For a stock to run significantly news can help...but you have to be cautious. Its at times of maximum euphoria, with volumes going crazy and the PPS soaring that often times that buyers of the excitement later find out...that the smart money crowd was selling into the prevailing bullish sentiment.

More important than news, from my seat high up here in the bleachers, is who is reading it. We have Eastern, aka Monsieur Dart...and now it would seem the Richmond Club "old boyz" watching for news and developments. And for all we know there may be others.

I can only assume that these types of investors, that they're looking for more than a quick flip for 10 or 20 percent. And what's better, is this type of "smart money" investor has the capacity to not only get RVX noticed....but to do it when the time is right, that is to say at a signficantly higher PPS.

Now....were RVX in need of capital right now, and without big money backing them in the form of private placements, there would be other less attractive (long term) options. They could go to one of the big brokerages and arrange a secondary offering...then let the pros do their work. Assuming they could get a big player (like an RBC or BMO in Canada or Morgan stateside) to underwrite a secondary....then before you know it I'd bet dollars to donuts that RVX would be getting mentions in all kinds of publications and would be touted at investor road shows.

That's all well and good for the PPS in the short term....but dilution into the hands of the news reading, hype following public equals long term pain in my opinion.

Pretty much everything RVX is doing right now is the way I like to see it. Sure I'd love the PPS to be higher (who doesn't like opening their brokerage account and seeing more $$$) but really big pay days require patience unless you want to start gambling on otc/venture penny stocks...and even then you often have to be patient.

Stream of conciousness program.....off.

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