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Message: We Need An Update

I'm not going to hold my breath SF...RVX isn't engaging in a secondary, they've got their funding locked up for about the next two years from Eastern and Hepalink so nobody is going to be shown the door. Obviously there are options and grants for board members and executives, so it would seem to behoove them to engage in IR type activities that would improve the PPS....but if they're of the opinion that the fundamentals of the company are going to look much better over the next year or two....Then perhaps why bother going to the trouble and expense now?

Besides which if RVX is going to have a significantly higher valuation in the months and years to come, there may very well be parties looking to get in while the price is still comparatively depressed....and by comparative I mean as compared to the value it will have in another 12 to 18 months.

You use the term "home run"....If RVX makes it from $2 to $10, I will see that as a home run. Assuming that happens, those buying for $10, they'll be thinking of $15, $20...and even higher as being a home-run.

I'm hunkering down and am in accumulation mode. If things ultimately play out the way I'm hoping and almost expecting, then when the company starts attracting attention....at that point my intention is to sit back and enjoy the ride.

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