A few thoughts
posted on
Jul 20, 2015 07:31PM
Just thought I would make some comments on a few things.
First off nice job by what seems to be a growing number of regulars who keep the RVX conversation alive.
With respect to updates and better information flow; I agree that I would like to know as much as possible and as a shareholder would like to be more regularily updated. I thought this was going to be the service provided through more regular use of the company blog. The company is falling a little short there I think
As far as the quality of information we as retail shareholders have as compared to Eastern, NGN or Hepalink; I'm fairly sure we have pretty much the same material information in broad strokes but do not have close to as much in terms of depth of detail. This to me makes perfect sense as with a few major investors a great deal can be shared under a confidentiality agreement and is part and parcel of the exchange which takes place when getting the type of financial commitment RVX is asking for. I'm okay with that personally. As far as commitment to retail shareholders, I would most like to see a much greater effort by the company to providing us with accurate information when they do share. No more off the cuff fluff that is innaccurate and/or (in terms of timelines) does not come to fruition and is then just shrugged off. Every time management is "wrong" it creates a little more doubt as to whether they know what they are doing and whether we really do have the "goods". I sense a lot of doubt in many of the posts recently and I attribute much of it to the fact that the RVX message has been poorly handled for a long time. Right now there is a lot of uncertainty everywhere in the financial world. As such there is a lot to be lost by creating more uncertainty and conversely I think there is a lot to be gained by by creating certainty and therefore trust in the market.
I think once RVX has "the money in the bank" from the recently announced deals and clearly receives a phase 3 approval (hopefully including the FDA) that it will be a great opportunity for management to put together a string of "rights" and thusly gain some trust and respect in the market. As I and others have said before it is retail investors that set the price in situations like RVX and as such deserve at least some consideration. I hope management is up to the challenge.