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Message: ...is anybody out there at the AGM...?
Hi Bear. I have made note in regards to my past investments in biotech's that often the PPS with go up at the announcement of a PIII trial then again at the start of dosing. I would have to strain this old brain of mine to recall if the PPS went up significantly at the start of enrolment and I will admit I can't rule out the possibility it did. My memory is still pretty good I believe though and I seem to recall the dosing date has been the significant trigger. I have been guilty of saying that I believe the announcement of the PIII has already been priced in. I believe that, but will add that it is priced in at a huge discount in my opinion. We should be between $10 and the rediculous at this point I believe. If the entrolment starts on the 21st then I don't believe there will be a big pop in PPS (I would love to be wrong of course). I would be very surprised though if there wasn't a pop at the start of dosing and a steady gradual increase over 2 years. JIMHO Regards DND
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