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Message: Stonegate Report

One comment that I was somewhat glad to see in their report was on page 3 "...as the Phase 3 BETonMACE progresses, there is also a strong likelihood that Resverlogix could be an acquiistion target, being a good fit for the portfolio of a large pharma player."

I know we've commented on this before on this board, but somehow I get the feeling that this may have more of a ring of truth to it. Given what we're seeing about the CETP inhibitors not proving themselves out and the PCSK9 approach being very expensive, I would not be surprised to see the likes of a Pfizer thinking "time to look at something different".

If epigenetics is really the way to go, then I think the Resverlogix lead would be something a large pharma would want to get in on early before their competitors come to the same conclusion.

I can see this moving quickly, especially if we soon get some more indications about potential orphan indications and we hear about the Complement Mediated Diseases study getting underway.

This could be a fun ride ... hang on.



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