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Message: Review mentioning RVX-208

RVX-208 is slowly beginning to get mentioned as a compund that has been suggested to decrease MACE rather than failing to meet the primary endpoint. Below is an excerpt from a review by Galdeano and Ciulli (2016).

Link: http://www.future-science.com/doi/full/10.4155/fmc-2016-0059

"One of them, RVX-208 (Figure 1, also named apabetalone and RVX000222) has reached Phase III clinical trials in autumn 2015 (NCT01728467), being the most advanced one. RVX-208, developed by Resverlogix Corp., has been evaluated in a total of seven clinical trials for the treatment of atherosclerosis and associated cardiovascular disease. In clinical Phase II, RVX-208 increased HDL-cholesterol and apolipoprotein A1 levels, as well as decreased the incidence of major adverse cardiac events (MACE). Additionally, reduction of MACE was accentuated in patients with diabetes mellitus."

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